Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Monasticism on Two Feet

"Running is one of the only activities that you can begin with little or no planning. You can simply stand up and begin to run. That's what I did."
--Marc Parent, The Very First Step

Like Mr. Parent, I work at a desk. I read and write for a living. I do not labor with my hands or earn my keep with the sweat of my brow. Languor and impassivity seep into my body with every passing day. That is why I have started to run.

Like Mr. Parent, I find the simplicity of running alluring. Its austere qualities draw me toward it. You need only shoes and a path. You need not equipment or experience or talent. The clouds--shortness of breath, jagged pain in the side--can be enjoyed and savored for their silver lining--unassailable feelings of triumph, improvement in well-being. The sounds of running, measured clop clop clop footfalls and rhythmic labored breathing, hypnotize and push me forward. Running is asceticism personified.

Like Mr. Parent, I have only begun. I may falter but I will recover. I may never be good but I will never again be soft.

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