Thursday, March 12, 2009

American Idol is "for the birds"! ZING!

Lynn loves American Idol so much that she gets mad at me when I make fun of it. Even she found Megan's performance this week a bit ridiculous. And by "a bit," I mean "extremely."

Megan, the be-tatted single mother from Utah, decided to sing "Rockin' Robin" during Michael Jackson night (technically, he did sing it, but really, Megan, that's the song you pick on Michael Jackson night?). Her red dress matched the song quite well, as did her ad-libbed coda. Take a look at this (the money moment is at about 3:12 if you don't want to wade through the bland):

In case you're at work, here's a quick transcript:

Megan: "...oh rockin' robin well you really gonna rock toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Caw! Caw!"

That's right. Caw. Lynn and I both about fell in the floor laughing. I've watched it fifteen times in the last ten minutes and it never gets old.

Not surprisingly, given how most of the judges treat the contestants with kid gloves, none of the judges took a shot at her for this, despite it being almost as ridiculous as some of the antics the early-season rejects pull. Kara Dioguardi's comment should have been, "I hope that you do some things in the future that show some falsetto, show some range, AND MAKE FEWER EFFIN BIRD NOISES!"

Or maybe she was calling Simon out for being a chicken, Arrested Development style:

She'd fit right in.


Kent said...

The whole reason I want to watch Arrested Development is for the chicken dances. I've heard about them and seen clips. If the rest of the show is that funny, we must partake. Chaw-chi chaw-chi chaw-chi!
I liked the was an indication that she doesn't take herself too seriously. But it does reflect poorly on a show when that is the highlight of the night.

Ben said...

If you like chicken dances, you'll LOVE Arrested Development. I'm making my way back through the first season (for the fourth time) at lunch every day. The seasons are cheap and it's got a very high rewatchability factor so I would recommend a purchase.

Eating Cheetos said...

As a fellow fan of Arrested Development...I'm giving you a standing ovation on this post!

By the way, I said the same thing to Daniel when we were watching, "She did NOT just 'CAW!'?!"

Ahhh...only on American Idol...

And I'm guessing you've heard about this:

Now I'll "CAW!" to that! :)

Ben said...
